The Ho Chi Minh Prize and the 6th State Prize for Science and Technology (referred to as the Prize) will begin to be considered for awards at the grassroots level from December 1, 2020. The Award Councils from the grassroots level to the ministerial, branch and local levels need to pay attention to procedures and documents to ensure compliance with regulations to avoid errors.

Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Pham Cong Tac spoke at the Conference.

The above requirement was emphasized by Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Pham Cong Tac at the Conference to disseminate and deploy the plan to organize the Ho Chi Minh Prize and the 6th State Prize for Science and Technology in the Southern region, organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. June 11, in Ho Chi Minh City.

Deputy Minister Pham Cong Tac said that the Award was started in 1995, to honor scientists who have contributed to science and technology during the war as well as during the process of building the country. The Ho Chi Minh Prize is the most prestigious award in Vietnam today, for especially outstanding, highly valuable and influential scientific, technical, educational, literary and artistic research projects. large and long-lasting in life,... In the first phase, the works considered for the Award are research works since the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Therefore, at the Award many famous faces in Vietnam's science and technology industry such as professors Ta Quang Buu, Tran Dai Nghia, Dang Van Ngu, Luong Dinh Cua,... were honored. Recently, scientific works participating in award consideration have been focused on the period of innovation and country building.

Overview of the Conference.

Ms. Le Ngan Giang, Deputy Director of the Emulation and Commendation Department, said that the 6th round of awards was implemented according to Decree No. 78/2014/ND-CP dated July 30, 2014 of the Government on Awards. Ho Chi Minh City, State Prize and other awards in Science and Technology and Decree No. 60/2019/ND-CP dated July 5, 2019 of the Government amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 78/2014 /ND-CP. Accordingly, a number of new and additional points will be implemented in the 6th round of Award consideration, specifically: each project can only register for one of the two Awards (Ho Chi Minh or the State); Works that have been awarded the Ho Chi Minh Prize are not eligible for consideration for the State Prize and vice versa; Projects that have previously participated in and won ministerial-level awards can register to participate in the award consideration; The time the project has been published or applied in practice is at least 3 years or the project has been applied effectively for innovation for at least 1 year, counted from the time the presiding agency organizes the consideration and awarding of the Recognition Award. project documents proposed for consideration; Projects proposed for award consideration are the results of performing science and technology tasks that use or receive financial support from the state budget and must be registered and the results of science and technology tasks performed in accordance with the law. ;…

Ms. Le Ngan Giang also emphasized that the Award consideration process is conducted at 3 levels: grassroots; ministries, branches and localities; Government. In particular, for author's works that do not have a management agency, the Department of Science and Technology of the provinces/cities receives the dossiers and establishes a Award Council. At the same time, the Department of Science and Technology needs to support and help businesses and individuals in the process of implementing donation consideration procedures if requested. For People's Committees of provinces/cities, it is necessary to carefully review documents from the grassroots level to avoid errors and having to start over. Registration for the Award is due to the author's research, studying the conditions and standards of the Award to register to participate in the award consideration accordingly.

“After five rounds of organizing awards, up to now the regulations and administrative procedures for awarding awards are strictly and methodically regulated, as shown through Decrees regulating the Awards,... However, through each During the awarding process, shortcomings cannot be avoided" - Deputy Minister Pham Cong Tac noted for the grassroots and local levels in the process of organizing the awarding process to minimize unnecessary errors that will affect affect review time. The Deputy Minister also noted that localities, during the process of awarding awards, should immediately report any difficulties or problems to the Ministry of Science and Technology so that the Ministry can have a solution and timely support.