Chức năng và nhiệm vụ

Function and misson

Location and function

1. Hung Yen Department of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a specialized agency under the People's Committee of Hung Yen province, with the function of advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in state management of science. science and technology, including: science and technology activities; develop scientific and technological potential; standards, measurement, quality; Intellectual Property; application of radiation and radioisotopes; radiation and nuclear safety; Manage and organize the implementation of public services in the fields within the scope of functions of the Department according to the provisions of law.

2. The Department has legal status, its own seal and account; comply with the direction and management of the organization and operations of the Provincial People's Committee; At the same time, comply with the direction, guidance, inspection, and professional examination of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

3. Head office of Hung Yen Department of Science and Technology: An Vu Street, Hien Nam ward, Hung Yen city, Hung Yen province.

Duties and powers

1. Submit to the Provincial People's Committee:

a) Draft decisions, directives, planning, long-term, 5-year and annual plans, schemes and projects on science and technology; programs and measures to organize the implementation of state administrative reform tasks in the field of science and technology in the area;

b) Mechanisms, policies and measures to promote scientific research and technology development, technology transfer, science and technology market development, potential development and application of scientific advances learning and technology into production and life;

c) Draft document specifying the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department; decide on the establishment and regulations on the organization and operation of the Provincial Science and Technology Development Fund according to the provisions of law;

d) Draft document stipulating conditions and title standards for Heads and Deputy Heads of units under the Department; standards for leadership and management positions in the field of science and technology of the Department of Economics or the Department of Economics and Infrastructure under the district People's Committee.

2. Submit to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee:

a) Draft decision on establishment, merger and dissolution of units under the Department according to the provisions of law; Establishment of Science and Technology Advisory Councils according to the provisions of the Law on Science and Technology and guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology;

b) Draft decision on assignment of ownership and use of results of scientific research and technological development using state budget within the scope of management to organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law ;

c) Draft decisions and special directives under the promulgation authority of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in the field of science and technology;

d) Draft documents regulating the relationship and coordination between the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments, branches, branches and district-level People's Committees.

3. Guide, inspect and organize the implementation of legal documents, planning, plans, schemes, projects, mechanisms and policies on science and technology after being promulgated and approved; information, propaganda, guidance, dissemination, education, and monitoring of law enforcement on science and technology of the province; Guide departments, branches, branches, district People's Committees, and provincial science and technology organizations on science and technology management.

4. Manage, organize inspection, registration, issuance, adjustment, revocation and extension of all types of licenses, certificates, registrations, diplomas and certificates within the scope of assigned functions and tasks. assigned according to assignment, decentralization or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

5. Plan and estimate development investment and science and technology expenditures from the annual state budget for the province's science and technology sector on the basis of synthesizing estimates of departments , departments, branches, district People's Committees and related agencies. Monitor and inspect the use of state budget for the province's science and technology sector according to the provisions of the State Budget Law and the Science and Technology Law.

6. Regarding management of scientific research and technological development activities:

a) Organize the identification, ordering, selection, direct delivery, evaluation and acceptance of science and technology tasks; Organize the assignment of ownership and use rights of scientific research and technological development using state budget to organizations and individuals;

b) Monitor, inspect and supervise the implementation and post-acceptance process of science and technology tasks using state budget;

c) Receive, organize applications, evaluate the effectiveness of application of results of implementation of scientific and technological tasks proposed by the Provincial People's Committee to order or place orders after being evaluated and accepted;

d) Organize the evaluation and acceptance of results of scientific research and technological development that do not use the state budget of organizations and individuals in the area according to the provisions of law;

d) Coordinate with departments, branches, branches and relevant agencies to propose a list of science and technology tasks using national state budget that are interdisciplinary and inter-regional.

10. Regarding standards, measurement and quality:

a) Organize the development and participate in the development of local technical regulations;

b) Organize the dissemination and application of national technical regulations, local technical regulations, national standards, international standards, regional standards, foreign standards, and apply conformity assessment methods. conforms to standards and technical regulations; Provide guidance on building basic standards for organizations and individuals in the area; Check compliance with laws on standards and technical regulations in the area;

c) Organize, manage and guide production and business organizations and individuals to announce standards applicable to products, goods, services, processes and the environment as assigned. , decentralization by competent state agencies;

d) Receive declaration of standard conformity from organizations and individuals registering production and business activities in the province; Receive declaration of conformity in assigned fields;

d) Carry out the task of informing and asking questions about standards, measurement, quality and technical barriers in trade in the area;

e) Organize the implementation of tasks related to improving productivity and quality of products and goods;

g) Organize a network of inspection, calibration, and measurement testing to meet the province's requirements; Organize the implementation of inspection, calibration, and measurement testing in recognized or designated fields and scopes;

h) Receive the declaration of use of quantitative marks; certify that the facility is eligible to use quantitative marks on pre-packaged product labels according to the provisions of law;

i) Organize and carry out measurement inspection of measurement standards, measuring instruments, measurements, pre-packaged goods, inspection, calibration, and testing of measurement according to the provisions of law; Organize the implementation of measures for people with related rights and obligations to monitor and inspect the implementation of measurements, measurement methods, measuring instruments, measurement standards, and quality of goods;

k) Organize testing to serve state management requirements and the needs of organizations and individuals regarding product and goods quality in the area;

l) Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to organize quality inspection of products and goods in production, imported goods, goods circulating in the area and goods labels and codes. , barcodes as assigned, decentralized or authorized by competent state agencies;

m) Organize the application of the Quality Management System according to TCVN ISO 9001 in the activities of agencies and organizations under the state administrative system according to the provisions of law.

11. Regarding the application of radiation and radioactive isotopes, radiation and nuclear safety:

a) Regarding the application of radiation and radioisotopes:

- Organize the implementation of programs, projects and measures to promote the application of radiation and radioisotopes to serve socio-economic development; Organize and deploy radiation and radioisotope application activities in economic and technical sectors in the area;

- Manage environmental radiation monitoring activities in the area;

- Organize and implement technical services related to the application of radiation and radioisotopes.

b) Regarding radiation and nuclear safety:

- Organize the registration of radiation and nuclear safety according to the provisions of law or assignment, decentralization and authorization of the Provincial People's Committee;

- Manage the declaration and statistics of radioactive sources, radiation equipment, and radioactive waste in the area according to the provisions of law;

- Organize and implement the control and handling of radiation and nuclear incidents in the area;

- Build and integrate with the national database on radiation and nuclear safety control in the province.

12. Regarding scientific and technological information and statistics:

a) Organize instructions and implement the collection, registration, storage and publication of information on science and technology tasks in the province;

b) Build and develop scientific and technological information infrastructure; Participate in building and developing the national database on science and technology, and the provincial databases on science and technology;

c) Organize and implement processing, analysis - synthesis and provision of scientific and technological information for leadership, management, research, training, production, business and economic development - society in the province;

d) Organize direction, guidance and organize the implementation of basic statistical reporting regime on science and technology in the province; preside over the implementation of a general statistical reporting regime on science and technology;

d) Implement statistical surveys on science and technology in the province;

e) Manage, build and develop the province's science and technology information sources; Join the Vietnam Library Association on science and technology information sources;

g) Organize technology - equipment markets, technology information centers and exchanges directly and on the Internet, exhibitions and science and technology fairs; disseminate, publish and provide scientific and technological information;

h) Organize service activities in the fields of information, library, statistics, and science and technology databases; printing, digitization; organize science and technology events.

13. Regarding public services:

a) Guide non-business organizations to perform public services in the field of science and technology in the area;

b) Organize the implementation of processes, procedures, and economic-technical norms for public service provision activities in the field of science and technology;

c) Guide and create conditions to support organizations providing public services in science and technology according to the provisions of law.

14. Assist the Provincial People's Committee in state management of scientific and technological activities for enterprises, collective economic organizations, and private economic organizations operating in the area according to the provisions of law.

15. Carry out international cooperation in science and technology according to the provisions of law and as assigned, decentralized or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

16. Carry out inspection, examination, and resolve complaints and denunciations in the field of science and technology according to the provisions of law and as assigned or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee; organize citizen reception and implement regulations on preventing and combating corruption and negativity, and regulations on practicing thrift and combating waste; Handle according to authority or propose competent authorities to handle violations of law in the field of science and technology according to the provisions of law.

17. Regulate the functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure and working relationships of units under the Department according to the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology and according to the regulations of the Provincial People's Committee .

18. Manage organizational structure, civil servant payroll, number of people working in public service units under the Department; Implement salary regimes and policies, remuneration, training, fostering, rewards and discipline for civil servants, public employees and employees under the Department's management in accordance with the provisions of law and according to the decentralization or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee; Organize professional training for civil servants in charge of science and technology management under the Economic Department or District Economic and Infrastructure Department.

19. Guide and inspect the activities of associations and non-governmental organizations operating in the field of science and technology under local authority according to the provisions of law.

20. Manage and be responsible for the Department's finances and assets according to the provisions of law and as assigned or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee.

21. Synthesize information and report periodically every six months, annually or unexpectedly on the implementation of assigned tasks to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

22. Perform other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and according to the provisions of law.


Excerpt from Decision 1179/QD-UBND dated July 1, 2015